Researchers reveal effects of magnetic activity on mass transfer of binary

Algol-type binary systems consist of a B-A-F type main-sequence primary component and an F-G-K type giant or subgiant secondary component. According to the explanation of the Algol paradox, the initially more massive component evolves to fill the Roche lobes first and transfer material to another component, which results in the inversion of mass ratio and the formation of the Algol-type systems….

Almost a dozen new variable stars detected in the open cluster NGC 1912 and its surroundings

Chinese astronomers have conducted a study of variable stars in the galactic open cluster NGC 1912 and its surrounding field, detecting 11 new variables in this cluster, including binary systems. The study was detailed in a research paper published September 11 on the arXiv pre-print repository. Source:…

A unique (so far) gravitational wave signal

LIGO and Virgo detectors have now captured the first gravitational waves from a binary black hole merger where the black hole masses are unequal. Source:…

Two new double-lined spectroscopic binary white dwarfs identified by astronomers

A team of U.S.-Canadian astronomers has conducted radial velocity observations of four binary white dwarf candidates. They report that two of them, designated WD 0311−649 and WD 1606+422, are apparently double-lined spectroscopic binary systems. The finding is detailed in a paper published February 14 on Source:…