Tulsa ‘Bigfoot’ was part of a safety campaign

A large hairy humanoid sighted in the Turkey Mountain area has turned out to be a man wearing a costume. Sightings of the mysterious cryptid came to l… Source: https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/336151/tulsa-bigfoot-was-part-of-a-safety-campaign…

Sherman Pass webcam ‘Bigfoot’ mystery solved

The Washington state Department of Transportation has revealed what the alleged ‘Bigfoot’ actually was. When the image of a mysterious biped trudging … Source: https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/335028/sherman-pass-webcam-bigfoot-mystery-solved…

Two men film alleged ‘Bigfoot’ in Ohio woodland

A recently published viral video on YouTube shows a large hairy figure walking through the trees. This rather controversial footage was reportedly fil… Source: https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/334549/two-men-film-alleged-bigfoot-in-ohio-woodland…

Famed Bigfoot bog saved by conservationists

A rare Appalachian Mountain swamp in North Carolina has seen more than it’s fair share of Bigfoot sightings. When it comes to potential Bigfoot habita… Source: https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/333763/famed-bigfoot-bog-saved-by-conservationists…