Paging Big Brother: In Amazon’s Bookstore, Orwell Gets a Rewrite

As fake and illegitimate texts proliferate online, books are becoming a form of misinformation. The author of “1984” would not be surprised. From a report: In George Orwell’s “1984,” the classics of literature are rewritten into Newspeak, a revision and reduction of the language meant to make bad thoughts literally unthinkable. “It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words,” one true…

PayPal Builds ‘Zoid’ JavaScript Library To ‘Make IFrames Cool Again’

“Earlier this year I gave a talk at FullStack conference in London about making iFrames cool again,” writes a lead engineer at PayPal. In a nutshell: iframes let you build user experiences into embeddable ‘cross-domain components’, which let users interact with other sites without being redirected. There are a metric ton of awesome uses for that other than tracking and advertizing….

Meet WASP-121b, a hot ‘heavy metal’ exoplanet

For the first time, heavy metal gases like magnesium and iron have been detected floating away from an exoplanet, a planet orbiting a distant sun. Why? Because the planet – which is about as big as Jupiter – is orbiting perilously close to its star. Source:…

Arecibo Observatory gets $12.3 million grant

Arecibo in Puerto Rico was completed in 1963. In recent years, it has weathered multiple hurricanes. The emergency supplemental funds – supported by the U.S. Congress – represent an investment in the future of this large, famous and much-loved radio dish. Source:…

Elon Musk Begins Selling $25 ‘Nuke Mars’ T-Shirts

“Elon Musk tweeted on Thursday evening ‘Nuke Mars.’ A few hours later he followed it up with ‘T-shirt soon’,” writes Business Insider. BGR reports: Musk’s tweet is a reference to the theory that by dropping one or more large bombs on Mars’ poles, the CO2 locked away in the ice there would be released, giving the Martian atmosphere a much-needed boost……

Astronomy ambassadors to Chile: ALMA radio telescope

Robert Pettengill’s final report on his recent trip to Chile with the Astronomy in Chile Educator Ambassador Program. Thank you, Rob! Source:…

7 Ways To Prepare Wheat Without a Grinder

A lot of times people just getting started with their food storage have a big hang-up about wheat and how to use it. We are told to store hundreds of pounds of this food that we never actually cook with in our daily meal prep. For a long time we decided we wouldn’t store any…Continue Reading
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Nvidia CEO Says Google Is the Company’s Only Customer Building Its Own Silicon At Scale

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNBC: Nvidia’s CEO, Jensen Huang, has reason to be concerned about other chipmakers, like AMD. But he’s not worried about Nvidia’s own big customers turning into competitors. Amazon, Facebook, Google and Tesla are among the companies that buy Nvidia’s graphics cards and have kicked off chip-development projects. “There’s really one I know of that…

Giving Seeds What They Need to Survive in Stasis

Being able to provide food for yourself is a good idea for a variety of reasons. In case of disaster, shortage, or something less catastrophic like job loss, planning out how you’d feed your family long term is a smart plan. In my opinion, knowing how to grow food for just one season just doesn’t…Continue Reading
The post Giving Seeds What They…

Save Space By Going Vertical With Your Vegetables

  Vegetable plants grown by individuals and not bought at a market or grocery store have wide ranging advantages. Thanks to Survival Life and their new Special Report, people are learning how to grow vegetables, fruits, and herbs with little to no outdoor space. It’s called Growing Up: The Ins and Outs of Vertical Gardening,…Continue Reading
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