Moon and Winter Circle at dawn August 25

Wait, what? Winter Circle? Yes, even though it’s still summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The early morning summer sky shows you what you’ll see come winter. Source:…

Google Chrome Proposes ‘Privacy Sandbox’ To Reform Advertising Evils

Google’s Chrome team proposed a “privacy sandbox” Thursday that’s designed to give us the best of both worlds: ads that publishers can target toward our interests but that don’t infringe our privacy. From a report: It’s a major development in an area where Chrome, the dominant browser, has lagged competitors. Browsers already include security sandboxes, restrictions designed to confine malware to…

Best of both worlds: Asteroids and massive mergers

The race is on. Since the construction of technology able to detect the ripples in space and time triggered by collisions from massive objects in the universe, astronomers around the world have been searching for the bursts of light that could accompany such collisions, which are thought to be the sources of rare heavy elements. Source:…

Completing Her Education Completely Online: Meet Mikella

We sat down with Mikella, a young student from the island of St. Lucia. Mikella found edX after leaving high school when she was 15, and has been completing her schooling entirely on edX.  What program/courses did you take on edX, and what were your goals in taking it? I have completed 16 courses on edX including the majority of the…

Making the Case For a Microsoft Surface Phone That Runs Android

Zac Bowden from Windows Central makes the case for why Microsoft may want to make a Surface phone that runs Android. An anonymous reader shares an excerpt from the report: While a Surface Phone running Android would never sell to the quantity that Samsung smartphones do (or at least not a first- or second-generation phone), Microsoft could utilize the Surface brand…

Machine Learning Has Been Used To Automatically Translate Long-Lost Languages

Jiaming Luo and Regina Barzilay from MIT and Yuan Cao from Google’s AI lab in Mountain View, California, have developed a machine-learning system capable of deciphering lost languages, and they’ve demonstrated it on a script from the Mediterranean island of Crete. The script, Linear B, appeared after 1400 BCE, when the island was conquered by Mycenaeans from the Greek mainland. MIT…

Making Time to Learn: How Online Study Fits Around Your Career

The new suite of computer science degrees from the University of London and member institution Goldsmiths offer you the opportunity to study your degree fully online. This flexibility allows many students to continue working while gaining a qualification that will support future career ambitions. We spoke to three students about how they manage their studies […]
The post Making Time to Learn:…

Leaked Internal Intel Memo Acknowledges ‘Resurgent’, ‘Formidable’ AMD

Slashdot reader MojoKid writes: AMD announced its 3rd Gen Ryzen 3000 series processors at Computex earlier this month and the company’s Zen 2 architecture is promised to bring single threaded performance parity with Intel but exceedingly better multithreaded throughput in content creation and other high-end workloads. Intel has obviously taken notice of AMD’s Zen 2 advancements and nowhere is its renewed…