Finnish Scientists Produce a Protein Made ‘From Thin Air’

New submitter SysEngineer shares a report from HuffPost: A new protein made from air, water and renewable electricity could revolutionize our food system within the next decade. Developed by the Finnish company Solar Foods in a lab just outside Helsinki, the protein — called Solein — is made using living microbes that are then grown in a fermenter in a process…

Does tapping a beer can prevent it foaming over? Scientists found out

A rigorous randomised trial has put to bed the idea that tapping or flicking a can of beer makes bubbles come to the top and prevents the liquid fizzing out Source:…

SpaceX launches caring robot, beer malt and ‘mighty mice’

SpaceX launched a 3-ton shipment to the International Space Station on Thursday, including “mighty mice” for a muscle study, a robot sensitive to astronauts’ emotions and a miniature version of a brewery’s malt house. Source:…

SpaceX launches beer malt, caring robot and ‘mighty mice’

SpaceX launched a 3-ton shipment to the International Space Station on Thursday, including “mighty mice” for a muscle study, a robot sensitive to astronauts’ emotions and a miniature version of a brewery’s malt house. Source:…

Apple’s and Microsoft’s 2019 Holiday Ads: Naughty Or Nice?

Long-time Slashdot reader theodp writes: In Apple’s 2019 holiday ad The Surprise (YouTube, 11.8M views), the reveal at the end is that two young girls thought to have been frittering away time on their iPads have been making an unforgettable, heartwarming tribute to their recently passed grandmother that brings tears to their grandpa’s eyes. “This is a master class in comfy…

Man’s body brews its own beer after yeast take over his gut microbiome

One man in the US has started producing beer in his gut after a course of antibiotics allowed brewer’s yeast to outcompete the other microbes in his microbiome Source:…

Dutch Family ‘Waiting For End of Time’ Discovered In Basement

A family who spent nine years in a basement “waiting for the end of time” have been discovered by police in the Netherlands after one of them turned up at a local pub, reports say. The BBC reports: A man of 58 and a family with young adults aged 18 to 25 were living at a farm in the province of…

SoftBank Bet Big on Disruptive Companies. Many Have Not Paid Off.

Anyone who has taken an Uber, sent a Slack message or enjoyed a free beer at a WeWork owes a little something to Masayoshi Son. The New York Times: Through his Japanese conglomerate SoftBank and a $100 billion investment fund, Mr. Son plowed huge sums into these and other companies that aim to change how people work, travel and live. His…

22 Million Pounds of Plastics Enter the Great Lakes Each Year

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Chicago Tribune: Plastic debris makes up about 80% of the litter on Great Lakes shorelines. Nearly 22 million pounds enter the Great Lakes each year — more than half of which pours into Lake Michigan, according to estimates calculated by the Rochester Institute of Technology. Regardless of size, as plastics linger in the water,…

How To Make Compost

We probably don’t need to tell you the benefits of compost for your soil. With a few easy steps you can grow bigger healthier plants and save your scraps from being turned into garbage. Plus, composting gives you the opportunity to see exactly what is going into your fertilizer. So enrich your soil, plants, and life…Continue Reading
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