DC Comics Deletes ‘Batman’ Image That China Complained Was Supporting Hong Kong Protesters

“DC Comics has yanked a poster for a new Batman title from its social media accounts after the image drew criticism from Chinese commenters who said it appeared to support the ongoing pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong,” reports Variety: The artwork depicts Batman throwing a Molotov cocktail against a backdrop of hot-pink words spelling out the new comic book’s tagline, “the…

Comic-Con Trailers Include ‘Star Trek: Picard’ and HBO’s ‘Watchmen’ Series

“At Comic-Con, Sir Patrick Stewart took to the Hall H stage Saturday afternoon to discuss his new series, Star Trek: Picard,” reports CBS News: The series will focus on what caused famed captain and admiral Jean-Luc Picard to leave Starfleet, and his life since…. Patrick Stewart — who is also an executive producer — answered questions about the show. “We never…