North Korea Hacking Threatens US and Global Financial System: US Officials

U.S. government officials warned on Wednesday about the threat of North Korean hackers, calling particular attention to banking and other finance. From a report: The reason for the advisory — which was jointly issued by the U.S. Departments of State, Treasury, and Homeland Security, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation — was unclear. North Korean hackers have long been accused of…

Thousands of Techies in Locked-Down India Are Braving Coronavirus Daily To Keep the World Running

The world’s abrupt slowing down in the past few weeks may have introduced millions of Covid-19-wary professionals to the whole new paradigm of work-from-home. Yet, a third of India’s four million IT employees are still trudging regularly to the office even if mostly to make life easier for clients abroad. From a report: Every working day, these thousands risk contracting coronavirus,…

Cobol Programmers Heed the Call to Support America’s Overloaded Unemployment Systems

Earlier this week Slashdot reader puddingebola shared a CNN story headlined “Wanted urgently: People who know a half century-old computer language so states can process unemployment claims…” But now IEEE Spectrum reports that “Cobol programmers in the United States are heeding the call to work on antiquated state unemployment benefits computer systems⦔ The new claims brought the three-week total to more…

Pandemic Shutdowns Will Help the Economy, Too

nut (Slashdot reader #19,435) writes: A study by economists Sergio Correia, Stephan Luck and Emil Verner suggests that the best way to save your economy is to save your people. The authors looked at the economic impact of the Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918 on different U.S. cities. They concluded that the earlier, more forcefully and longer cities responded, the better…

Google Could Have Fixed 2FA Code-Stealing Flaw in Authenticator App Years Ago

An anonymous reader shares a report: Last month, a cybersecurity firm discovered the first-ever Android malware that came with the capability to steal the 2FA (two-factor authentication) codes generated by the Google Authenticator app. The malware, discovered by researchers from ThreatFabric, was named Cerberus, and its 2FA OTP code-stealing feature was still under development, yet to have been detected in a…

Hack Turns Apple’s iPhone Into An Android

Ten years ago, David Wang pulled off a remarkable trick, installing Android on the first-generation iPhone. Now Wang and his colleagues at cybersecurity startup Corellium are doing it again with the ostentatiously titled Project Sandcastle. From a report: And Forbes got an exclusive hands-on look at their Android for iPhone product ahead of its public release scheduled for later this Wednesday….

India’s Yes Bank Breakdown Disrupts Walmart’s PhonePe Among Dozen Other Services

Tens of millions of merchants and users in India are struggling to make online transactions and use several popular services after the nation’s central bank seized control of Yes Bank, the fourth largest lender in the country. From a report: The emergency takeover of the private sector bank has taken off several financial startups that rely on it for facilitating services…

Are APIs Putting Financial Data At Risk?

We live in a world where billions of login credentials have been stolen, enabling the brute-force cyberattacks known as “credential stuffing”, reports CSO Online. And it’s being made easier by APIs:
New data from security and content delivery company Akamai shows that one in every five attempts to gain unauthorized access to user accounts is now done through application programming interfaces (APIs)…

Barclays Installed Big Brother-style Spyware on Employees’ Computers

Barclays has been criticised by HR experts and privacy campaigners after the bank installed “Big Brother” employee monitoring software in its London headquarters. From a report: Introduced as a pilot last week, the technology monitors Barclays workers’ activity on their computers, and in some instances admonishes staff in daily updates to them if they are not deemed to have been active…

JPEG Committee is Banking on AI To Build Its Next Image Codec

Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), a committee that maintains various JPEG image-related standards, has started exploring a way to involve AI to build a new compression standard. From a report: In a recent meeting held in Sydney, the group released a call for evidence to explore AI-based methods to find a new image compression codec. The program, aptly named JPEG AI,…