Bank of America to Raise Minimum Wage to $20 an Hour

A day before he was to testify before Congress, Bank of America’s chief executive, Brian Moynihan, said the lowest-paid workers would earn $17 an hour starting in May and $20 in two years. Source:

What the Rest of the World Can Learn From the Australian Economic Miracle

As Americans worry about the potential end of a 10-year expansion, it’s worth studying the Aussies, whose winning streak is about to turn 28. Source:

David Malpass, Trump’s Pick to Lead World Bank, Is Approved

Mr. Malpass, a Wall Street veteran and a Treasury official, is a longtime critic of the international agency’s lending practices and business model. Source:

On the Runway: Are Bankers and Venture Capitalists Really Getting Fleeced by Patagonia?

They won’t be leaving “bros out in the cold,” says Patagonia. Here’s how the company is thinking about its famous banker fleeces. Source:

Trump Says Fed Should Cut Rates and Lift Economy

President Trump said on Friday that he wants another round of quantitative easing from the central bank. Source:

Modern Monetary Theory Finds an Embrace in an Unexpected Place: Wall Street

M.M.T.’s fans include Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders — and financial analysts at Goldman Sachs, Nomura and GMO. Source:

Gun Control Group’s Report Card on U.S. Banks’ Firearms Ties Has Several Fs

Guns Down America graded 15 large consumer banks on their commitment to gun safety and their relationships to the gun industry. Source: