Netflix Loses Bid To Dismiss $25 Million Lawsuit Over ‘Black Mirror: Bandersnatch’

On Tuesday, Netflix lost a bid to escape a lawsuit brought by the trademark owner of “Choose Your Own Adventure” over the 2018 immersive film Black Mirror: Bandersnatch. The series’ original publisher, Chooseco, sued the company early last year for $25 million in damages, as the company says that Netflix’s new movie benefits from association with the Choose Your Own Adventure…

How Netflix Is Using Its Muscle To Push Filmmaking Technology Boundaries

Carolyn Giardina from The Hollywood Reporter writes about the growing influence Netflix has from hardware and software development to industry display standards. For example, as recently as six months ago, Netflix forbid Hollywood cinematographers from using a highly-popular camera because the standard model employed a 3.2K resolution sensor instead of a 4K sensor required for the streamer’s original programming. Netflix also…