Python Turns 30. A Steering Council Member Reflects

Today is the 30th anniversary of the Python programming language, “which has never been more popular, arguably thanks to the rise of data science and AI projects in the enterprise,” writes Venture Beat. To celebrate the historical releases file has been updated to include Guido van Rossum’s original 0.9.1 beta release from 1991. (Its ReadMe file advises that Python 0.9 “can…

Apple Adds ‘BlastDoor’ To Secure iOS From Zero-Click Attacks

wiredmikey shares a report from Apple has quietly added several anti-exploit mitigations into iOS in what appears to be a specific response to zero-click iMessage attacks observed in the wild. The new mitigations were discovered by Samuel Grob, a Google Project Zero security researcher, [with the first big addition being] a new, tightly sandboxed “BlastDoor” service that is now responsible…

Kojima’s Infamous ‘P.T.’ Is Not Playable On PlayStation 5

tlhIngan writes: Many years ago, Kojima Productions produced P.T., a “playable teaser” (rumored meaning to P.T.) for a now-cancelled Silent Hill survival-horror reboot. This was a popular teaser but when Kojima and Konami parted ways, it was swiftly removed from the Sony PlayStation Store. People who downloaded the trailer could still re-download it for a period but that was swiftly removed,…

Linux 5.10 Solves the Year 2038 Problem Until 2486

The Linux 5.10 kernel’s XFS file-system will have two new on-disk meta-data capabilities, reports Phoronix: 1. The size of inode btrees in the allocation group is now recorded. This is for increasing redundancy checks and also allowing faster mount times. 2. Support for timestamps now until the year 2486. This “big timestamps” feature is the refactoring of their timestamp and inode…