Could CRISPR babies experiment have been made public earlier?

He Jiankui submitted his work to the journal Nature before it was made public, raising questions of whether journals have a responsibility to raise ethical issues Source:…

China Gene-Edited Baby Experiment ‘May Have Created Unintended Mutations’

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: The gene editing performed on Chinese twins to immunize them against HIV may have failed and created unintended mutations, scientists have said after the original research was made public for the first time. Excerpts from the manuscript were released by the MIT Technology Review to show how Chinese biophysicist He Jiankui ignored…

Treating babies for HIV rapidly after birth reduces signs of the virus

Newborns given HIV treatment quickly after birth had fewer infected cells in their blood and had less damaged immune systems that those given the treatment later. Source:…

There Still Aren’t Any Rules Preventing Rogue Scientists From Making Gene-Edited Babies

Emily Mullin, writing for OneZero: Around this time last November, Chinese scientist He Jiankui stunned the world when he revealed the birth of the first known gene-edited babies. Working in relative secrecy, he had used CRISPR to modify human embryos in the lab and then established pregnancies with those embryos. Twin girls with edited genomes were born as a result. The…

Genetic screening of IVF embryos is unlikely to lead to smarter babies

Can DNA analysis help prospective parents choose IVF embryos on the basis of future intelligence? A study suggests this approach would have little, if any, effect Source:…

Geneticists are writing the rule book for creating gene-edited babies

A year after the world learned that the first-ever gene-edited children had been born in China, doctors and ethicists are looking at how to proceed safely and responsibly Source:…

All you need to know: The famous Orion Nebula

The Orion Nebula is a place where new stars are being born. It can be glimpsed with the eye alone … and is even more noticeable with binoculars. How to find it in your sky tonight. Plus … the science of this star factory in space. Source:…

Acetaminophen In Pregnancy May Be Linked To Higher Risk of ADHD, Autism

schwit1 tipped us off to an interesting new study. Newsweek reports: Babies of women who took acetaminophen — a common painkiller marketed in the U.S. under the brand name Tylenol — near the end of pregnancy had a higher likelihood of being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders or with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to a study published in JAMA…