Babies are more likely to be conceived in autumn but we don’t know why

In the northern hemisphere, babies are most likely to be conceived in winter and least likely to be conceived in spring, according to an analysis of 14,000 women Source:…

For you, Valentine: 10 reasons we fall in love

On this Valentine’s Day 2020, what the world of science suggests about the mystery we call love. Source:…

Overactive immune cells in babies may lead to childhood asthma

Babies whose immune cells produce more pathogen-fighting proteins are more likely to develop temporary or persistent asthma later in life Source:…

Food allergies may be on the rise because babies start solids too late

Giving babies potentially allergenic foods early on may reduce the risk of allergies – but many parents don’t as that conflicts with advice to breastfeed until six months Source:…

Court Overturns Patent Ruling That Would’ve Cost Nintendo $10 Million

After almost seven years, Nintendo has won a patent case that involved the original Wii. On Tuesday, the company announced that a federal court in Dallas ruled in its favor against iLife Technologies, overturning an earlier 2017 decision that would have forced Nintendo to pay out $10.1 million in damages. Engadget reports: The original suit, which was brought against Nintendo of…

A smart jumpsuit could track development in at-risk babies

A smart jumpsuit for babies can monitor their movement, and may be able to help spot any potential mobility issues early on Source:…

Chinese Scientist Who Edited Babies’ Genes Sentenced To Prison

The Chinese scientist who created the world’s first genetically altered babies has been sentenced to three years in prison and a lifelong ban from working in reproductive technology, state media reported on Monday. From a report: He Jiankui, a Shenzhen researcher who drew widespread condemnation when he revealed his experiment last year, will also have to pay a 3 million yuan…

Scientist behind world’s first gene-edited babies sentenced to prison

He Jiankui, the scientist who used CRISPR to create two gene-edited girls born in 2018, has been handed a three-year jail term by a court in Shenzen, China Source:…