Captain America Got Short-Changed in Infinity War to Set Up Avengers: Endgame

Captain America wasn’t exactly on the sidelines in Avengers: Infinity War, but for a character of his importance, he certainly played a smaller role. According to Infinity War and Endgame writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, this was done on purpose.Read more…Source:…

Senator Kamala Harris Invokes Avengers: Infinity War to Defend Net Neutrality

Democratic Senator and Presidential hopeful Kamala Harris is a fan of superhero films, and has been known to use them to illustrate ideas related to her various political platforms. Following Congressman Michael Doyle Jr.’s (D, Pa.) Save the Internet Act making it through the House in a 232-190 vote, Harris took to… Read more… Source:… Continue reading Senator Kamala Harris Invokes Avengers: Infinity War to Defend Net Neutrality