Earth’s Oceans Are Getting Hotter and Higher, And It’s Accelerating, UN Report Warns

According to a new report by the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, ocean warming is accelerating and sea levels are rising more quickly. “The report is a synthesis of the most up-to-date climate science on oceans and ice, and it lays out a stark reality: Ocean surface temperatures have been warming steadily since 1970, and for the past 25 years…

Did an asteroid collision cause an ice age on Earth?

Could a collision between 2 asteroids millions of miles away cause an ice age on Earth, some 460 million years ago? A new study of earthly rocks and sediments – plus micrometeorites that fell in Antarctica – suggest it’s possible. Source:…

Are Saturn’s rings young or old?

Cassini data suggested that Saturn’s rings were only 10 to 100 million years old. A new study suggests that a “ring rain” onto Saturn makes the rings look younger than they really are, and that in fact Saturn’s rings date back billions of years. Source:…

Scientists detect towering balloon-like feature near Milky Way’s center

It’s a huge bipolar structure, centered on the galactic center and near the central supermassive black hole. In that way, it’s like the Fermi Bubbles, found some years ago. But … there are differences. Source:…

Gas Plants Will Get Crushed By Wind, Solar By 2035, Study Says

According to a new study from the Rocky Mountain Institute, natural gas-fired power plants are on the path to being undercut themselves by renewable power and big batteries. Bloomberg reports: By 2035, it will be more expensive to run 90% of gas plants being proposed in the U.S. than it will be to build new wind and solar farms equipped with…

Squirrels Listen To Birds’ Conversations As Signal of Safety

According to a new study published in the journal PLoS ONE, the “chatter” from multiple bird species can be a useful cue to squirrels and other animals that there is no imminent threat in the area. Phys.Org reports: To test this hypothesis, the researchers observed the behavior of 54 wild Eastern gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) in public parks and residential areas…

Ka-bam! Signs of a giant impact with Jupiter

Scientists used Juno spacecraft data and models of how Jupiter’s inner core should look to probe the giant planet’s early history. They now think an object with 10 times Earth’s mass might have struck Jupiter billions of years ago. Source:…

Intermittent Fasting May Be As Beneficial As Counting Calories

“A type of intermittent fasting that calls for eating nothing one day, and then whatever a person wants the next, can be done safely for several months and comes with a number of health benefits, a study has found.” An anonymous reader quotes Alternate day fasting improved cardiovascular markers, reducing blood pressure and heart rate after four weeks, researchers reported…

Some of the World’s Most-Cited Scientists Have a Secret That’s Just Been Exposed

Long-time Slashdot reader schwit1 quotes Science Alert: Among the 100,000 most cited scientists between 1996 to 2017, there’s a stealthy pocket of researchers who represent “extreme self-citations and ‘citation farms’ (relatively small clusters of authors massively citing each other’s papers),” explain the authors of the new study, led by physician turned meta-researcher John Ioannidis from Stanford University. Ioannidis helps to run…

‘Agile Programming is Not Dead, Quite the Opposite’

“Agile is not dead, quite the opposite,” argues Alistair Cockburn, one of the co-authors of the original Manifesto for Agile Software Development in 2001: Why then, do we read of agile’s death? Three reasons: phony ads, misunderstanding ordinary movement of ideas through society, and looking at the wrong curves… The sales pitch is pretty obvious when you look for it. Ignore…