Possible Megacryometeor Shatters Colorado Woman’s Sunroof

One of the strangest natural phenomena I’ve had the pleasure of tracking here at MU has been incidents involving megacryometeors. These anomalous and isolated balls of ice appear to fall from cloudless skies for no apparent reason and have only begun to be recognized by the meteorological community as a genuine phenomenon. Early last year,… Read more » Source: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/04/possible-megacryometeor-shatters-colorado-womans-sunroof/…

NASA Says It Caused Otherworldly Lights In the Arctic Circle

NASA set the Arctic Circle ablaze last week with colorful blue vapor clouds that were seen above parts of Finland and Norway. And yes, they did cause some people to ask: Aliens? The apparition was caused by a NASA rocket launch that discharged “gas tracers” into the sky to probe the mechanisms behind auroras. The… Continue reading NASA Says It Caused Otherworldly Lights In the Arctic Circle