Top 12 brightest objects in the solar system

Can you name the top 12 brightest objects in the solar system? How many have you seen without the aid of binoculars or a telescope? Source:…

6 space missions to look forward to in 2021

Here are some of the space missions to keep an eye out for in 2021. Source:…

Remote sensing data sheds light on when and how asteroid Ryugu lost its water

Last month, Japan’s Hayabusa2 mission brought home a cache of rocks collected from a near-Earth asteroid called Ryugu. While analysis of those returned samples is just getting underway, researchers are using data from the spacecraft’s other instruments to reveal new details about the asteroid’s past. Source:…

Biggest asteroid to pass near Earth in 2021 is also one of the fastest

Asteroid 2001 FO32 will be sweeping past Earth at such a fast pace that, when it’s closest, observers using telescopes might be able to detect its motion – its drift in front of the stars – in real time. Source:…

Six space missions to look forward to in 2021

Space exploration achieved several notable firsts in 2020 despite the COVID-19 pandemic, including commercial human spaceflight and returning samples of an asteroid to Earth. Source:…

220 years ago today: 1st asteroid discovered

Giuseppe Piazzi discovered the asteroid Ceres – now considered a dwarf planet – on January 1, 1801. Source:…

Samples from Ryugu Asteroid Revealed After Delivery to Earth

Mashable reports: The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency showed off a collection of samples from the asteroid Ryugu on Thursday following the return of the Hayabusa2 probe. The black, gravelly samples from Ryugu contain a whole bunch of small chips collected from the asteroid’s subsurface… Normally, space rocks like these are collected after they enter Earth’s atmosphere at surface-scorching speeds. These samples…

An Asteroid the Size of a Dwarf Planet Is Lurking In Our Solar System

Long-time Slashdot reader fahrbot-bot summarizes an article from LiveScience: There’s a giant asteroid somewhere out in the solar system, and it hurled a big rock at Earth. The evidence for this mystery space rock comes from a diamond-studded meteor that exploded over Sudan in 2008. NASA had spotted the 9-ton (8,200 kilograms), 13-foot (4 meters) meteor heading toward the planet well…

Mysterious asteroid the size of a dwarf planet is lurking in our solar system

There’s a giant asteroid somewhere out there in the solar system, and it hurled a big rock at Earth that left behind meteorites unlike any scientists had ever seen. Source: