A beloved exoplanet turns to dust

Fomalhaut b was thought to be one of the few exoplanets photographed so far, but new observations from the Hubble Space Telescope show it’s really an expanding dust cloud. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/fomalhaut-b-not-an-exoplanet-instead-a-dust-cloud…

Update on 2I/Borisov, the first known interstellar comet

The first known interstellar comet – 21/Borisov – probably came here from a red dwarf star, according to a new study of data from the Hubble Space Telescope. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/comet-21-borisov-comets-red-dwarf-stars-hubble-space-telescope…

Was Mercury once habitable?

As unlikely as it may sound, Mercury may have once been able to support subsurface microscopic life, according to a new study from the Planetary Science Institute. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/mercury-habitability-chaotic-terrain-messenger-astrobiology…

SpaceX Wins NASA Contract to Launch a Spacecraft to an Asteroid Beyond Mars

An anonymous reader quotes Teslarati:
SpaceX has been awarded a $117 million launch contract for NASA’s Psyche mission that will study a unique metal asteroid between Mars and Jupiter. The NASA mission to loft a 5,750-lb. (2,608-kg) spacecraft atop of SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy Rocket will study a mineral-rich asteroid named 16 Psyche. The mission is expected to take place sometime in 2022…

What is the asteroid belt?

The asteroid belt is a region of our solar system – between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter – in which many small bodies orbit our sun. Here’s a good basic introduction. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/what-is-the-asteroid-belt…

2nd-known interstellar visitor rounds the sun

The 1st interstellar object – 1I/’Oumuamua – had already passed closest to our sun when astronomers first spotted it. So catching this 2nd one – 2I/Borisov – prior to perihelion was a big plus for astronomers! Before and after images here. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/interstellar-comet-2i-borisov-perihelion-images…

Is Hygiea now the smallest dwarf planet?

New images from ESO’s Very Large Telescope show that asteroid Hygiea is round, meaning that it may now be classified as the smallest-known dwarf planet in our solar system. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/asteroid-hygiea-smallest-known-dwarf-planet-very-large-telescope-eso…

NASA studies plan to send an orbiter to Pluto

Remember when New Horizons swept past Pluto in 2015? That was exciting! Who knew Pluto had a heart? Now scientists are proposing a new Pluto orbiter mission. It would gather details on Pluto’s heart and the rest of its youthful surface, its hazy bluish nitrogen atmosphere, and its system of 5 known moons. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/nasa-studies-plan-to-send-an-orbiter-to-pluto…

Small asteroid C0PPEV1 paid a heavy price for almost striking Earth yesterday

Earth’s gravity bent the trajectory of asteroid C0PPEV1 so much yesterday – as this asteroid swept only 3,852 miles (6,200 km) above Africa – that its farthest point from the sun has now shifted out to the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/near-earth-asteroid-close-pass-oct-2019-c0ppev1…