Inside dark, polar moon craters, water not as invincible as expected, scientists argue

The Moon’s south pole region is home to some of the most extreme environments in the solar system: it’s unimaginably cold, massively cratered, and has areas that are either constantly bathed in sunlight or in darkness. This is precisely why NASA wants to send astronauts there in 2024 as part of its Artemis program. Source:…

NASA Marks The 50-Year Anniversary of Man’s First Steps on the Moon

It’s exactly one half century from that moment in time when men first walked on the moon, writes NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine. “Today, on the golden anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, NASA looks back with heartfelt gratitude for the Apollo generation’s trailblazing courage as we — the Artemis generation — prepare to take humanity’s next giant leap to Mars.”…

Trump repeatedly asks NASA administrator why we can’t go straight to Mars


What Artemis will teach us about living, working on the moon

Humans have not had much of an opportunity to work on the moon. The 12 Apollo astronauts who got to explore its surface clocked in 80 hours in total of discovery time. From their brief encounters, and from extensive analyses of Apollo samples and lunar meteorites that were found on Earth, scientists have learned nearly as much as is possible to…

Women are less supportive of space exploration, but putting a woman on the Moon might change that

In March 2019, Vice President Mike Pence stated that the goal of NASA should be to return humans to the Moon by 2024. While the cost of such a venture isn’t known yet, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine has supported the effort and gone as far as naming the 2024 Moon mission, Artemis. Source:…