How will the U.S. space program fare under Joe Biden?

Joe Biden is the United States presidential election winner, but his plans for NASA remain unclear. And while citizens digest the election results, the space industry is left wondering what comes next. Source:…

Will America’s Next President Change Its Space Program?

America’s next president takes office in three weeks and two days. What changes should he make to America’s space program? An opinion writer at Bloomberg tackles the question: Donald Trump badly wanted to be the president who sent Americans back to the moon. Instead, his administration has presided over Artemis, a lunar-landing program plagued by “uncertain plans, unproven cost assumptions, and…

Canadian will join Moon mission for first time in 2023

A Canadian astronaut will take part in a lunar mission for the first time in 2023, as part of the NASA-led Artemis project, the minister for innovation, science and industry announced Wednesday. Source:…

Aiming for the moon with NASA’s Artemis I

Artemis I is the first in a series of NASA missions that will enable human exploration on the moon again, and ultimately Mars, scheduled to launch in 2021. Source:…

NASA outlines goals for crewed Moon mission

In addition to landing humans on the Moon, the Artemis III mission will aim to achieve several scientific goals. Launching aboard an Orion spacecraft … Source:…

NASA outlines science goals for future astronauts on Moon

The US space agency NASA published a voluminous report on Monday outlining the scientific priorities for the Artemis III astronauts it intends to send to the Moon in 2024. Source:…

Component Failure Found in Crew Capsule NASA Hoped to Launch in 2021

The Verge reports that a power component failed on the Orion deep-space crew capsule that NASA hopes to launch (unmanned) from its Space Launch System (or SLS) in late 2021, in a mission called Artemis 1. The problem? It’s buried deep within one of the spacecraft’s power/data units (or PDUs) within the adapter that connects the capsule to its power/propulsion trunk…

NASA to test its SLS megarocket in the coming weeks

The ongoing pandemic has slowed testing for NASA’s Space Launch System megarocket, but the process is resuming and has checked off a key milestone: powering up the core stage. Source:…

Bridenstine to step down as NASA administrator

Jim Bridenstine is leaving the post of NASA chief administrator. Source:…