Mira’s last journey: Exploring the dark universe

A team of physicists and computer scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory performed one of the five largest cosmological simulations ever. Data from the simulation will inform sky maps to aid leading large-scale cosmological experiments. Source: https://phys.org/news/2021-01-mira-journey-exploring-dark-universe.html…

Pivotal discovery in quantum and classical information processing

Working with theorists in the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, researchers in the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory have achieved a scientific control that is a first of its kind. They demonstrated a novel approach that allows real-time control of the interactions between microwave photons and magnons, potentially leading to advances in electronic devices and…

Scientists work to shed light on Standard Model of particle physics

As scientists await the highly anticipated initial results of the Muon g-2 experiment at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, collaborating scientists from DOE’s Argonne National Laboratory continue to employ and maintain the unique system that maps the magnetic field in the experiment with unprecedented precision. …

Intel Slips, and a High-Profile Supercomputer Is Delayed

The chip maker was selected for an Energy Department project meant to show American tech independence. But problems at Intel have thrown a wrench into the effort. From a report: When it selected Intel to help build a $500 million supercomputer last year, the Energy Department bet that computer chips made in the United States could help counter a technology challenge…

Researcher Breakthrough Turns Carbon Dioxide Into Ethanol

Slashdot reader Third Position quotes CleanTechnica:
According to a press release from Argonne National Laboratory, researchers at the lab, working with partners at Northern Illinois University, have discovered a new electrocatalyst that converts carbon dioxide and water into ethanol with very high energy efficiency, high selectivity for the desired final product, and low cost. Ethanol is a particularly desirable commodity because it…

U.S. Hatches Plan To Build a Quantum Internet That Might Be ‘Unhackable’

U.S. officials and scientists unveiled a plan this week to pursue what they called one of the most important technological frontiers of the 21st century: building a quantum Internet. From a report: Speaking in Chicago, one of the main hubs of the work, they set goals for forging what they called a second Internet — one that would function alongside the…

Physicists create quantum-inspired optical sensor

Researchers from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, joined by a colleague from Argonne National Laboratory, U.S., have implemented an advanced quantum algorithm for measuring physical quantities using simple optical tools. Published in Scientific Reports, their study takes us a step closer to affordable linear optics-based sensors with high performance characteristics. Such tools are sought after in diverse research fields,…

Creating and observing current vortices in 2-D materials

Researchers at the University of Chicago and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory have developed a new method to measure how photocurrents flow in a 2-D material—a result that could have implications for developing quantum sensors and next-generation electronics. …

Scientists build an exceptional surface out of exceptional points

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory are exceptional in many respects. Working in collaboration with the Imperial College London, for example, they have conducted research on a phenomenon in information processing systems called “exceptional points.” This phenomenon has found applications in microwave, optical and mechanical technologies. …

Large cosmological simulation to run on Mira

An extremely large cosmological simulation—among the five most extensive ever conducted—is set to run on Mira this fall and exemplifies the scope of problems addressed on the leadership-class supercomputer at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Argonne National Laboratory. Source: https://phys.org/news/2019-08-large-cosmological-simulation-mira.html…