Astronomers measure a change in orbit for infamous asteroid Apophis

Astronomers in Hawaii have detected the Yarkovsky effect – a minuscule push imparted by sunlight – for asteroid Apophis. The effect is particularly important for Apophis, because it relates to the possibility of an Earth impact in 2068. Source:…

The Yarkovsky effect: Pushing asteroids around with sunlight

The Yarkovsky effect is a minuscule push on a small body in space, imparted by nothing more than sunlight. Source:…

Alien-hunting telescope suffered ‘no damage to electronics’ during mysterious midnight disaster

Mysterious midnight disaster spared critical electronics in iconic alien-hunting telescope called the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. Source:

Famous alien-hunting telescope slashed to pieces in mysterious midnight accident

Puerto Rico’s famous alien-hunting telescope called the Arecibo Observatory took massive damage after a cable snapped in the dead of night. Source:

Snapped cable slashes a devastating hole in Arecibo radio telescope

As Tropical Storm Isaias hit Puerto Rico, a thick cable snapped at Arecibo Observatory – one of the biggest radio telescopes in the world – and crashed through the dish Source:…

Arecibo Observatory Featured in James Bond Film ‘Goldeneye’ Shut Down

A number of Slashdot readers, including mknewman and MountainLogic have shared this report: The famous observatory in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, featured in the James Bond movie “GoldenEye,” has been forced to temporarily close after a broken cable smashed through the side of its massive dish. Around 2:45 a.m. Monday, a three-inch auxiliary cable that helped support a metal platform broke, according…

Arecibo Observatory damaged by broken lashing cable

The new damage to Arecibo, caused by the heavy cable, happened while repairs from 2017’s Hurricane Maria were still ongoing. Source:…