GitHub Buries Giant Open-Source Archive In An Arctic Vault

Microsoft-owned GitHub has finally moved its snapshot of all active public repositories on the site to a vault in Norway. ZDNet reports: GiHub announced the archiving plan last November and on February 20 followed through with the 21 terabyte snapshot written to 186 reels of film. GitHub cancelled plans for a team to “personally escort the world’s open-source code to the…

Netflix posts up ‘Unsolved Mysteries’ evidence

Amateur sleuths have been poring over a Google Drive archive of evidence pertaining to the show’s new cases. Since the Netflix reboot of the popular l… Source:…

What happens when a researcher tries to resurrect a loved one?

In the film Archive, George Almore attempts to put his late wife’s memories into a machine. The project is far from a roaring success, finds Jon O’Brien Source:…

An Embattled Group of Hackers Picks Up the WikiLeaks Mantle

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: For the past year, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has sat in a London jail awaiting extradition to the US. This week, the US Justice Department piled on yet more hacking conspiracy allegations against him, all related to his decade-plus at the helm of an organization that exposed reams of government and corporate…

‘BlueLeaks’ Exposes Files From Hundreds of Police Departments

New submitter bmimatt shares a report from Krebs On Security: Hundreds of thousands of potentially sensitive files from police departments across the United States were leaked online last week. The collection, dubbed “BlueLeaks” and made searchable online, stems from a security breach at a Texas web design and hosting company that maintains a number of state law enforcement data-sharing portals. The…

Software Defined Radio Site Closes

Long-time Slashdot reader Z00L00K writes: The site known in amateur radio for access to a plethora of SDR (Software Defined Radio) sites has now closed down. The SDR sites that exists all over the world are for listening in to primarily shortwave radio. From the site: I’d like to say a big thanks to everyone who joined my journey with…

Internet Archive Kills Its Free Digital Library Over Copyright Concerns

The Internet Archive’s National Emergency Library is finished. The non-profit repository for digital preservation, which began offering millions of e-books for free to address the closure of libraries during the pandemic, buckled under a joint lawsuit filed by major publishers including Penguin Random House and HarperCollins. From a report: Publishers said lending out books without compensation was “mass copyright infringement.” The…

Activists Rally To Save Internet Archive as Lawsuit Threatens Site

The Internet Archive is a massive endeavor — it’s an online library aiming to “provide Universal Access to All Knowledge.” It has digitized millions of web pages, movies, photos, recordings, software programs, and books that might otherwise be lost to history. But it’s neither un-censorable nor outside the bounds of copyright law. And now open internet supporters are wondering how to…

What Would The Internet Look Like If America Repeals Section 230?

“REVOKE 230!” President Trump tweeted Friday, and NPR reports that the movement to revoke its safeguards “is increasingly becoming a bipartisan consensus… But experts caution that eliminating the legal protections may have unintended consequences for Internet users that extend far beyond Facebook and Twitter.” “We don’t think about things like Wikipedia, the Internet Archive and all these other public goods that…