2019 Hugo Award Winners Include a Fan Fiction Site and ‘Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’

DevNull127 writes: The 77th World Science Fiction Convention announced the winners of the 2019 Hugo Awards at a ceremony Sunday night. Here’s some of the highlights. At least two of these stories can be read (for free) online: BEST NOVELETTE: “If at First You Don’t Succeed, Try, Try Again,” by Zen Cho. The entire text is availabe online in the B&N…

The Archive of Our Own is now a Hugo nominee. That’s huge for fanfiction.

4.7 million fanfics are now Hugo nominees, thanks to AO3 and the transformative culture that built it. The Archive of Our Own, one of the internet’s most well-known fanfiction archives, has been nominated for a Hugo Award this year, a significant honor in the sci-fi/fantasy literature world. The Hugos are the annual science fiction and… Continue reading The Archive of Our Own is now a Hugo nominee. That’s huge for fanfiction.

An Internet Fan Fiction Archive Is Nominated for a Hugo

Frank Herbert’s Dune, Ursula K. LeGuin’s The Left Hand of Darkness, and Neuromancer by William Gibson—these classic Hugo award nominees, everyone has heard of. But what about the thousands of fanfiction works all addressing the question, “what if Steve Rogers and Tony Stark from the Avengers fucked?” This week, the Hugo awards—a set of literary… Continue reading An Internet Fan Fiction Archive Is Nominated for a Hugo