Meet the Reaper of Death, a new Canadian tyrannosaur

A new tyrannosaur species named Thanatotheristes, which means “reaper of death,” was the apex predator of its time, 79 million years ago in present day Alberta, Canada. Source:…

Iran Has Been Targeting VPN Servers to Plant Backdoors

“A new report published today reveals that Iran’s government-backed hacking units have made a top priority last year to exploit VPN bugs as soon as they became public in order to infiltrate and plant backdoors in companies all over the world,” writes ZDNet: According to a report from Israeli cyber-security firm ClearSky, Iranian hackers have targeted companies “from the IT, Telecommunication,…

‘Platinum’ Hacking Group Strikes Again With Complex Titanium Backdoor To Windows

Freshly Exhumed shares a report from Securelist: Platinum is one of the most technologically advanced APT actors with a traditional focus on the APAC region. During recent analysis we discovered Platinum using a new backdoor that we call Titanium (named after a password to one of the self-executable archives). Titanium is the final result of a sequence of dropping, downloading and…

Purism’s Librem 5 Phone Starts Shipping. It Can Run Linux Desktop Apps

On Tuesday Purism announced their first Librem 5 smartphones were rolling off the assembly line and heading to customers. “Seeing the amazing effort of the Purism team, and holding the first fully functioning Librem 5, has been the most inspirational moment of Purism’s five year history,” said their founder and CEO Todd Weaver. On Wednesday they posted a video announcing that…

‘Narrator’ Windows Utility Trojanized To Gain Full System Control

A suspected Chinese advanced persistent threat (APT) group has been spotted attacking tech companies using a trojanized screen-reader application, replacing the built-in Narrator “Ease of Access” feature in Windows. Threatpost reports: The attackers also deploy a version of the open-source malware known as the PcShare backdoor to gain an initial foothold into victims’ systems. Using the two tools, the adversaries are…