Trump’s Immigration Crisis

Behind the flailing lies a potential disaster for immigration hawks. Source:

Trump Purge Set to Force Out More Top Homeland Security Officials

As President Trump expresses frustration with his own administration, at least five senior Department of Homeland Security officials have been pushed out or are expected to leave. Source:

More Top Homeland Security Officials Set to Leave in Trump Purge

Since Friday, five senior Department of Homeland Security officials have been told to exit or otherwise stepped aside as President Trump rails against U.S. immigration laws. Source:

What’s at Risk if the Fed Becomes as Partisan as the Rest of Washington

The credibility of the Federal Reserve around the world has been built over decades. Source:

Herman Cain Opens a New #MeToo Minefield for Republicans

President Trump’s Federal Reserve pick is forcing lawmakers to confront a fresh round of uncomfortable allegations of sexual misconduct against women as the 2020 campaign begins. Source:

David Malpass, Trump’s Pick to Lead World Bank, Is Approved

Mr. Malpass, a Wall Street veteran and a Treasury official, is a longtime critic of the international agency’s lending practices and business model. Source:

Seeking ‘Tougher’ Direction for ICE, Trump Withdraws His Nominee

The president pulled his choice to run the immigration enforcement agency just hours before he left for a California border town to address what he considers to be a crisis at the border. Source:

Trump Says Fed Should Cut Rates and Lift Economy

President Trump said on Friday that he wants another round of quantitative easing from the central bank. Source:

Trump Names Jovita Carranza, U.S. Treasurer, to Lead the Small Business Administration

The current administrator of the agency, the former pro wrestling executive Linda E. McMahon, stepped down from the role last week. Source: