Former Astronaut Wins US Senate Seat Once Held By Republican John McCain

“Mark Kelly will soon be the fourth NASA astronaut to serve in the U.S. Congress,” writes People magazine. DevNull127 shares their report: In a tweet posted Wednesday, he said he was “deeply honored” to have been elected and to serve in the seat once held by the late Sen. John McCain. A retired U.S. Navy captain and astronaut, Kelly has flown…

SpaceX vs. Space Shuttle: NASA’s Falcon 9 Astronauts Compare the Differences

NASA astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken flew to the International Space Station on SpaceX’s Crew Dragon. But they’re also uniquely qualified to describe what it felt like, since both had also flown twice on NASA’s Space Shuttle. So how did its solid-fueled booster rockets during the first stage of lift-off compare to SpaceX’s liquid-fueled booster rockets? Slashdot reader Iwastheone shares…

It’s been 50 years since Apollo 13’s safe return to Earth

After an explosion damaged their spacecraft, the Apollo 13 astronauts – on their way to the moon – were in dire peril. Read about the human ingenuity that led the Apollo 13 mission to a safe and successful conclusion. Source:…

Apollo 13 moon views recreated in 4K

Re-creation of moon views seen by Apollo 13 astronauts 50 years ago, on their perilous journey around the moon’s far side. Source:…

Apollo 13 at 50: How NASA turned near disaster at the moon into a ‘successful failure’ in space

Fifty years ago today (April 11), three astronauts launched to space, poised to be the next humans to walk on the moon. But things didn’t exactly go according to plan. Source:

Remembering Apollo 13 at 50

Marcia Dunn from The Associated Press remembers the Apollo 13 mission 50 years later: Apollo 13âs astronauts never gave a thought to their mission number as they blasted off for the moon 50 years ago. Even when their oxygen tank ruptured two days later â” on April 13. Jim Lovell and Fred Haise insist they’re not superstitious. They even use 13…

‘Houston, we’ve had a problem’: Remembering Apollo 13 at 50

Apollo 13′s astronauts never gave a thought to their mission number as they blasted off for the moon 50 years ago. Even when their oxygen tank ruptured two days later—on April 13. Source:…