Cranberries: More than a holiday side dish

Fun facts about this floating fruit, the blueberry’s bitter cousin. Source:…

The Black Death Plague Just Reappeared In China

At least two people in China are under close observation and are receiving treatment for infections of the same plague that devastated Europe in the mid-1300s. The two confirmed cases originated in north China and were confirmed by doctors in Beijing earlier this week. From a report: The pneumonic variant of the plague, which affects the lungs, can easily spread to…

How Some Fast Rood Restaurant Chains Are Confronting the Threat of Antibiotic Resistance

“Many of our favorite fast food and restaurant chains continue to contribute to the growing threat of antibiotic resistance, according to a report released Thursday by advocacy groups,” reports CNN: Fifteen of America’s favorites received an “F” for their lack of action in reducing the use of beef raised with antibiotics, including Burger King, DQ, Jack In the Box, Pizza Hut,…

A common antibiotic seems to have a strange effect on our memories

A study looking at how antibiotics could be used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder has revealed gaps in our understanding of how memories form Source:…

Man’s body brews its own beer after yeast take over his gut microbiome

One man in the US has started producing beer in his gut after a course of antibiotics allowed brewer’s yeast to outcompete the other microbes in his microbiome Source:…

Chronic Lyme disease may be a misdiagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome

People who think they have a long-lasting form of Lyme disease are taking antibiotics for many months and may be treating the wrong disease Source:…

Vermicomposting | Fertilize With Worm Castings

Vermicomposting is worming its way onto farms everywhere. Here’s why you should fertilize with worm castings, and how to grow your own worm composting unit. Vermicomposting For The Homestead I’m always looking for new ways on the farm to reuse, recycle and repurpose, and there’s nothing I love more than an opportunity to reduce the…Continue Reading
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Ibuprofen and other common drugs may help antibiotic resistance spread

We’ve long known that bacteria can evolve resistance to antibiotics but now it looks like other drugs, including ibuprofen, may help this resistance spread Source:…

Possible Link Found Between Body Weight and the Immune System

The Atlantic talked to Lora Hooper, chair of the immunology department at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, one of the researchers investigating gut microbes, inflammation, and what may be a very important connection. They note that the rise of antibiotic usage among humans “coincides with the obesity epidemic.” This could be a spurious correlation, of course — lots of…

A type of antibiotics can cause hearing loss – and now we know why

Aminoglycoside antibiotics can save lives, but the drugs can also cause hearing loss because of the toxic effect they have on sensory cells in the ear Source:…