The Impressive Holistic Benefits of St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort has a long history of being used to treat depression, phobias, skin conditions, and more. Significantly, this herb is still used today by many people who suffer from the same health challenges and want to use a more natural, alternative method to treat their condition…
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How to celebrate World Oceans Day 2019

World Oceans Day is Saturday, June 8. Celebrate! Plan or find an event. Participate on social media. Or … just go to the beach. Some ideas for participating here. Source:…

The Powerful Aspirin Alternative Your Doctor Never Told You About

Sayer Ji – Evidence indicates that aspirin is very dangerous, but there are natural alternatives. Source:…

6 Reason Why People are Choosing CBD Over NSAIDs

Sofia Adamson, Staff Waking Times Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is popping up on shelves at local health food stores, chiropractic offices, and is even added to meals at trendy restaurants. This CBD craze is rooted in one vital human desire: to obtain optimal health in a safe and natural way. People are using CBD to help… Continue reading 6 Reason Why People are Choosing CBD Over NSAIDs