Why The Giant Animals of Madagascar Disappeared Just 1,000 Years Ago

Madagascar is the fourth-largest island in the world. Like other long-isolated land masses, it developed plants and animals that were slightly to far different than those on the continents. In Madagascar’s case, many of the animals grew to giant versions of their land cousins. Most of the other isolated islands lost their unique species tens… Continue reading Why The Giant Animals of Madagascar Disappeared Just 1,000 Years Ago

Why Are Extinct Species Suddenly Returning?

Several extinct species have been recently rediscovered and many people are wondering why this is happening. In less than a two-week period, between February 21st and March 4th of this year, three species were rediscovered – the Fernandina Island Galápagos tortoise (which was last spotted in 1906), the Wallace’s giant bee (which was said to… Continue reading Why Are Extinct Species Suddenly Returning?

New Species Of Extinct Australian Mammal Discovered

A new species of extinct Australian Pig-footed Bandicoots has been discovered. The species is very unique as it walked on two toes on its front legs and on one toe on its hind legs. For their tiny size, they were incredibly fast and they are also thought to be one of the smallest ever grazing… Continue reading New Species Of Extinct Australian Mammal Discovered