Could Unions At Tech Companies Gain Traction in 2020?

“2020 may be the year where tech unionizing efforts gain some actual traction for the first time,” argues GeekWire: The chances of this happening in 2020 reflect several factors in the industry and political landscape coming together in the right way for the first time ever. The “Streisand Effect” is basically where the actions you take to prevent what you most…

Democrats Propose Sweeping Online Privacy Laws

mspohr quotes a report from The Guardian: Top Democrats on Tuesday proposed tough new privacy laws to rein in the U.S.’s tech companies after a series of scandals that have shaken confidence in the companies and exposed the personal data of millions of consumers. The effort, led by Senator Maria Cantwell, the top Democrat on the Senate commerce, science and transportation…

Why Nile hasn’t changed course in 30 million years

Scientists say they’ve solved the geologic mystery of the Nile River’s unchanging path, and also discovered the river is about 30 million years old – 6 times older than previously believed. Source:…

Amazon Profits Drop 28% As It Strives For One-Day Deliveries

An anonymous reader quotes CNN:
Amazon said Thursday that its profit for the three months ending in September fell to $2.1 billion from $2.9 billion in the same period a year ago, a decline of nearly 28%, as the company invests heavily to expedite deliveries… The company announced in April that it would spend $800 million in the upcoming quarter to make…