Archaeologists Discover 3,900-Year-Old Inscriptions In Amethyst Mine

Archaeologists have discovered over 100 ancient inscriptions that were carved into the rock at Wadi el-Hudi, which is where the Egyptians mined amethysts in ancient times. They also found 14 stele (which are inscriptions that are carved on a slab of stone or pillar) and 45 ostraca (which are inscriptions that are written on pottery… Continue reading Archaeologists Discover 3,900-Year-Old Inscriptions In Amethyst Mine

The Mysterious Cursing Psalms of the Bible

Throughout history there have always been curses against those who have wronged us. These have variously been powered by magic, enchanted items, dark texts, and sinister forces. Yet it would seem that a very good way to curse someone quite badly would be to simply flip through a copy of the Bible. This may seem… Continue reading The Mysterious Cursing Psalms of the Bible

Anthropologist Claims UFOs are Actually Time Machines From the Future

What do anthropology and UFOs have in common? In his new book, a noted anthropologist looks at the physical descriptions of the bodies and behaviors of extraterrestrials and theorizes that the reason they resemble us so much is that they’re our descendants from a future time and UFOs are actually time machines transporting them back… Continue reading Anthropologist Claims UFOs are Actually Time Machines From the Future