Two-Queen Tag Team May Have Preceded King Tut

If the great (and not-so-great) pharaohs were alive today, they might object to the fact that Tutankhamun gets all of the fame, the best museum exhibits and a song by Steve Martin just because he lived fast, died young and no one looted his tomb. Well, get ready to add two more. A Canadian Egyptologist… Read more » Source:…

A History of Notre-Dame’s Crown of Thorns Relic

Now that the flames have been extinguished and the damage assessment has begun, many of the stories of the terrible fire that destroyed parts of the historic Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris have mentioned a number of relics that were kept there and their post-fire status. Most notable is the object many believe to be the… Continue reading A History of Notre-Dame’s Crown of Thorns Relic

Mysterious Cherokee Inscriptions in Alabama Cave Decoded

Fun fact: I’m not named after a tree. Nor am I named after a popular large SUV. I, like a great many other folks, am named after a person far cooler than I will ever be. Sequoyah was a Cherokee silversmith who lived from 1770 to 1843 who accomplished something pretty unreasonably awesome. He created,… Continue reading Mysterious Cherokee Inscriptions in Alabama Cave Decoded

Ancient ‘Texas Serengeti’ is Filled With Strange Fossils

From 1935 to 1943, the Works Progress Administration (WPA) employed millions of (mostly) men unemployed by the Great Depression for public works projects such as building roads, bridges and schools. The WPA also employed musicians, writers and actors in arts and literacy projects. One little known activity in Texas involved hunting for and collecting fossils… Continue reading Ancient ‘Texas Serengeti’ is Filled With Strange Fossils

Neanderthals And Woolly Mammoths May Have Shared Genetic Traits

A new study conducted by Tel Aviv University proposes that Neanderthals and woolly mammoths shared the same climate adaptation traits. The elephant-like animals from around 600,000 years ago and the early humans from approximately 400,000 years ago seem to have the same molecular characteristics that helped them adapt to cold environments. The relationship between the… Continue reading Neanderthals And Woolly Mammoths May Have Shared Genetic Traits

New Tiny Hominid Species Found in Philippine Cave

Another day … another “This changes everything!” discovery. Today’s potentially earth-shattering find comes from the Philippines where teeth extracted from a cave on the island of Luzon have been determined to have once been in the mouths of a diminutive extinct human species that was less that four feet tall, lived at least 50,000 years… Continue reading New Tiny Hominid Species Found in Philippine Cave

Turkish Researchers Discover What Could Be The World’s Oldest Shipwreck

A team of Turkish underwater researchers have discovered what they believe is the world’s oldest shipwreck from 1600 B.C. According to the Provincial Governor’s Office, the 3,600-year-old Bronze Age shipwreck was found off the shores of the Antalya province in southern Turkey. Members of the Antalya University’s Underwater Research Department discovered the 14-meter-long (or 46… Continue reading Turkish Researchers Discover What Could Be The World’s Oldest Shipwreck

An Ancient “Fast-Food” Counter And A 2,500-Year-Old High Priest

Archaeologists have discovered a well-preserved “fast food” counter in the ancient Roman city of Pompeii. Around 150 thermopolia (or snack bars) have already been discovered around the city and they were primarily used by poor locals who didn’t have cooking facilities in their homes. Coarse bread with salty fish, lentils, baked cheese, and spicy wine… Continue reading An Ancient “Fast-Food” Counter And A 2,500-Year-Old High Priest

2,000-Year-Old Gold Coin With The Face Of First Bexiteer Discovered In Kent

An amateur metal detectorist who was searching through a ploughed field in Kent, England, discovered an ancient gold coin that dates back nearly 2,000 years. The 24 carat gold coin was perfectly preserved with the face of Emperor Allectus who was known as the first Brexiteer when he distanced Britain from the Roman Empire during… Continue reading 2,000-Year-Old Gold Coin With The Face Of First Bexiteer Discovered In Kent

Ancient Whale That Walked On Four Legs Discovered In Peru

On the coast of Peru, researchers discovered the well-preserved bones of an ancient four-legged whale. Approximately 43 million years ago, the whale, which looked like a mixture of a rhino and a sea otter, had a narrow head, four legs with webbed feet and hoofed toes, and a long, muscular tail. That’s definitely a lot… Continue reading Ancient Whale That Walked On Four Legs Discovered In Peru