Mystery surrounds ‘T-34’ written on polar bear

An investigation is currently underway in an effort to track down who is responsible for painting the animal. Footage of the bear, which has racked up… Source:…

Volkswagen Headquarters Raided Again After They Disclosed New Diesel Filtering ‘Issue’

“Reuters is reporting that German public prosecutors have again raided the Wolfsburg headquarters of Volkswagen in the latest investigation into the carmaker’s diesel emissions,” writes Slashdot reader McGruber. The purpose of the raid was to “confiscate documents,” the article reports:
Volkswagen, which admitted in 2015 to cheating U.S. emissions tests on diesel engines, said it was fully cooperating with the authorities, but…

AT&T and Verizon Agree To Change Their eSIM Practices

In early 2018, the Department of Justice launched an investigation into whether AT&T, Verizon and the GSM Association (GSMA) worked together to limit eSIM technology. Today, The New York Times reports that the DOJ is closing the investigation and has found no evidence of wrongdoing. From a report: The DOJ was initially concerned that AT&T and Verizon attempted to lock devices…

Indiana Manipulated Report On Amazon Worker’s Death To Lure HQ2, Report Says

An anonymous reader quotes a report produced by Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting: When an Amazon worker was killed by a forklift in a Plainfield warehouse in 2017, the state of Indiana’s investigator found the company was at fault. The state cited Amazon for four major safety violations and fined it $28,000. But an investigation by Reveal from The…

How Lax Oversight Of Electronic Health Records Puts Patients At Risk

Plans to ensure patient safety as the nation transitioned to electronic health records have yet to come to fruition a decade later, according to a new report. From an investigation: In fall 2009, several dozen of the best minds in health information technology huddled at a hotel outside Washington, D.C., to discuss potential dangers of an Obama White House plan to…

Password Data For About 2.2 Million Users of Currency, Gaming Sites Dumped Online

Password data and other personal information belonging to as many as 2.2 million users of two websites — one a cryptocurrency wallet service and the other a gaming bot provider — have been posted online, according to Troy Hunt, the security researcher behind the Have I Been Pwned breach notification service. Ars Technica reports: One haul includes personal information for as…

Disney+ Fans Without Answers After Thousands Hacked

Many Disney+ users who have had their accounts stolen and put up for sale on the dark web say that Disney has yet to sort their problems. The firm says it does not believe its systems have been compromised, suggesting that members’ details have been stolen by other means. The BBC reports: On November 12, its first day live, people had…

Sweden Drops Julian Assange Rape Investigation

Sweden has dropped an investigation into a rape allegation made against Julian Assange. From a report: The deputy chief prosecutor, Eva-Marie Persson, told a news conference: “I want to inform about my decision to discontinue the preliminary investigation.” The decision on Tuesday follows a ruling in June by a Swedish court that Assange, who denies the accusation, should not be detained….

SpaceX Successfully Tests Crewed Dragon Launch Abort Engines

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ExtremeTech: SpaceX has cleared a major hurdle on the way to launching manned missions with its Dragon spacecraft. The company had to push back its launch plans after the stunning explosion of a Crew Dragon capsule during testing earlier this year. Now, SpaceX has successfully tested the engines without incident, paving the way for…

Health Websites Are Sharing Sensitive Medical Data with Google, Facebook, and Amazon

Popular health websites are sharing private, personal medical data with big tech companies, according to an investigation by the Financial Times. From a report: The data, including medical diagnoses, symptoms, prescriptions, and menstrual and fertility information, are being sold to companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Oracle and smaller data brokers and advertising technology firms, like Scorecard and OpenX. The FT…