Google’s Ad System Under EU Probe For How It Spreads Your Private Data

Ireland’s data protection watchdog has launched an investigation into Google’s collection of personal data for the purpose of online advertising. From a report: “A statutory inquiry pursuant to section 110 of the Data Protection Act 2018 has been commenced in respect of Google Ireland Limited’s processing of personal data in the context of its online Ad Exchange,” the Data Protection Commission…

Studying DNA breaks to protect future space travelers

Earth’s atmosphere shields life on the ground from cosmic radiation that can damage DNA. Astronauts in space have no such protection, and that puts them at risk. An investigation on the International Space Station examines DNA damage and repair in space in order to help protect the long-term health of space travelers. Source:…

Roswell and the Congressman: A Strange Saga

In the spring of 1993, New Mexico Congressman Steven Schiff began to make inquiries with the Defense Department in an attempt to determine the truth surrounding certain aspects of the Roswell controversy of July 1947. In an 11 March 1993 letter to the then Secretary of Defense, Les Aspin, Schiff wrote the following: “Last fall… Read more » Source:…