Male Brazilian frog stays loyal to two females during breeding season

The males of a Brazilian frog species is the first amphibian known to stay faithful to two females throughout its breeding season, replicating a style of mating seen in mammals Source:…

Ancient 4-limbed fish reveals origin of human hand

The origin of digits in land vertebrates is hotly debated, but a new study suggests that human hands likely evolved from the fins of the Elpistostege, a fish that lived more than 380-million-years ago. Source:…

Deadly frog fungus now thrives where we thought it couldn’t survive

A notorious fungus that is devastating amphibian populations is far more common than first thought, leaving biologists wondering why only some infected animals die Source:…

New species of giant salamander is the world’s largest amphibian

The South China giant salamander, one of two new species of giant salamander, may grow to be almost 2 metres long – making it the worlds largest amphibian Source:…