Great North Air Ambulance Trials Paramedic Jet Suit

A jet suit for paramedics which would see patients reached in minutes by a “flying” medic has been tested by the Great North Air Ambulance Service. The BBC reports: After a year of talks between GNAAS and Gravity Industries, a first test flight was carried out in the Lake District. Andy Mawson, director of operations at GNAAS, came up with the…

Hundreds of UK ambulances rely on software vulnerable to cyberattack

Ambulances at North East Ambulance Service and Yorkshire Ambulance Service use data terminals that rely on Windows XP, which no longer gets security updates from Microsoft so can be susceptible to hackers Source:…

As Virus Infections Surge, Countries End Lockdowns

Still struggling with rising coronavirus cases, India, Mexico, Russia, Iran and Pakistan have decided they must end lockdowns and restart their economies. From a report: At Nigambodh Ghat, the oldest cremation grounds in India’s capital, the bodies keep coming. One ambulance arrives with five inside. Then another. Then another, in an endless display of death. As the coronavirus pandemic surges in…

iPhone Update Reminds Users — Again and Again — of Being Tracked

Some app developers are concerned that frequent iOS 13 notifications will scare users away. From a report: “‘Facebook’ has used your location 107 times in the background over the past 3 days. Do you want to continue to allow background location use?” Such pop-up notifications are frequent for many iPhone users who have downloaded Apple’s iOS 13. They arrive every few…

Scientists Discover a Cure For the Deadliest Strain of Tuberculosis

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: When she joined a trial of new tuberculosis drugs, the dying young woman weighed just 57 pounds. Stricken with a deadly strain of the disease, she was mortally terrified. Local nurses told her the Johannesburg hospital to which she must be transferred was very far away — and infested with…