71-Year-Old Slashdot Reader Describes His ‘Moderate’ Case of Covid

71-year-old Hugh Pickens (Slashdot reader #49,171) is a physicist who explored for oil in the Amazon jungle, commissioned microwave communications systems in Saudi Arabia, and built satellite control stations for Goddard Space Flight Center around the world including Australia, Antarctica, and Guam. After retiring in 1999, he wrote over 1,400 Slashdot posts, and in the site’s 23-year history still remains one…

Save the planet by reimagining your back garden as an exotic jungle

The Garden Jungle says our backyards can be every bit as exciting as African savannah or the Amazon jungle – if you know where and how to look Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24332400-300-save-the-planet-by-reimagining-your-back-garden-as-an-exotic-jungle/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…