Geologic age of Finsen Crater on far side of the moon found to be 3.5 billion years

The absolute model age (AMA), or geologic age of Finsen crater on the moon’s far side is determined to be about 3.5 billion years (Ga) based on crater counting method, according to a study published in Icarus. Source:…

Bill Gates, Lancet, UN, and Many Others Lambast America’s Withholding of Funds from the WHO

This week U.S. president Donald Trump suspended America’s $900 million annual contribution to the World Health Organization. Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of the prestigious medical journal The Lancet, called Trump’s move a “crime against humanity….” The Hill reports: “Every scientist, every health worker, every citizen must resist and rebel against this appalling betrayal of global solidarity,” he added… The American Medical Association…

This month on the forums: Celebration Days, AMAs and Giveaways!

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