The Goop Lab on Netflix shows how easy it is to fall for bad science

Instead of turning off Gwyneth Paltrow’s new alternative health Netflix series The Goop Lab, we should watch it for lessons in how to spot bad science, says Clare Wilson Source:…

Goop Lab on Netflix shows how easy it is to fall for bad science

Instead of turning off Gwyneth Paltrow’s new alternative health Netflix series The Goop Lab, we should watch it for lessons in how to spot bad science, says Clare Wilson Source:…

40% of Anti-Vaccine Group’s Funding Came From Wealthy ‘Alternative Health’ Vendor

An anonymous reader quotes the Washington Post: The nation’s oldest anti-vaccine advocacy group often emphasizes that it is supported primarily by small donations and concerned parents, describing its founder as the leader of a “national, grass roots movement.” But over the past decade a single donor has contributed more than $2.9 million to the National Vaccine Information Center, accounting for about…

9 Hobbies as Alternative Methods to Boost Creativity and Health

Sofia Adamson – Study says certain ‘behavioral pursuits’ can lead to happiness, reduce boredom and stress, and even improve heart rate. Source:…