Apple Posts Record Revenue As iPhone Sales Smash Expectations

Apple reported revenue and profit significantly higher than what Wall Street analysts expected. According to CNBC, “Apple’s revenue was up 9% to $91.8 billion,” thanks in large part to iPhone revenue, “which was up 8% on the strength of new iPhone models.” The report also that Apple’s “Other Products” did $10 billion in sales during the quarter, and that Apple Watch,…

This week’s Venus and Neptune conjunction

The Venus-Neptune in conjunction on January 27 was the closest planetary conjunction of 2020. But – because Neptune is so faint – it wasn’t easy to capture. Plus a star near Venus confused people! Source:…

Could salt-loving microbes explain Mars’ methane?

New laboratory studies – simulating conditions on the planet Mars and using salt-loving microbes – suggest that similar organisms could be producing Mars’ mysterious methane. Source:…

Don’t miss young moon and Venus after sunset (Neptune’s there, too)

After sunset on January 26, 27 and 28, 2020, watch for the young moon and planet Venus in the west at dusk and nightfall. Use the lit side of the moon to locate Mercury, the innermost planet. If you have a telescope, use Venus to locate the Neptune, the farthest planet. Source:…

2009 Crash of Boeing 737 NG Now Receiving New Scrutiny

Slashdot reader JoeyRox shares a disturbing story about a Boeing 737 NG flight carrying 128 passengers that crashed in 2009, killings its three pilots, another crew member and five passengers. But “the Dutch investigators focused blame on the pilots for failing to react properly when an automated system malfunctioned and caused the plane to plummet into a field,” the New York…

Utah Man Builds Bulletproof Stormtrooper Suit With 3-D Printer

schwit1 quotes CNN’s report on a software engineer who who really loves Star Wars costumes: “I kind of incorporated all of the things that I’ve learned in 3-D printing and DIY into this project,” said Nils Rasmusson. Over the course of nine months, he printed the suit and put it together. “I had to figure out — how do you…

See a faint star cluster near bright Sirius

Sirius is easy to find. It’s the sky’s brightest star. If you have binoculars and a dark location, look near it for the star cluster M41. Source:…

Here’s the secret to the ultimate thrill ride according to science

From roller coasters to spine-tingling virtual reality, Brendan Walker’s work is all about enhancing the enjoyment of an experience. But the perfect thrill does not come from adrenaline alone, he says Source:…

Meet the narwhal, ‘unicorn of the sea’

This Arctic whale has the only spiral tooth found in nature. But there’s more to the narwhal than its unique tusk. Source:…

Is Google Facing a Backlash From Medical Record Vendors?

Two months ago the Washington Post reported that Google “has partnered with health-care provider Ascension to collect and store personal data for millions of patients, including full names, dates of birth and clinical histories, in order to make smarter recommendations to physicians.” Now CNBC reports that the medical record vendor Epic Systems “has been phoning customers to tell them it will…