Coursera Round Table Discussion: Career Advice from Women in Tech

Written by members of our Womxn in Tech Employee Resource Group: Yujia Cao, Rachel Liao, Olwen Puralena, Carolane Bonhaume, Như Lâm, and Emily T.  Coursera’s Womxn in Tech (WiT) Employee Resource Group (ERG) aims to create an environment where women in product, data science, design, engineering, or any roles requiring technical skills, are equally represented, […]
The post Coursera Round Table Discussion:…

Finding a sense of community in your online learning journey

By Betty Vandenbosch, Chief Content Officer, Coursera Being a successful online learner takes motivation, resilience, and independence. But during the COVID era, which has profoundly affected the way we live, work, and learn, the sense of isolation can feel particularly daunting. Community is important to so much of our lives. During your online learning journey, […]
The post Finding a sense of…

Get inspired by Emma’s empowering story of switching to a new career in data science while on maternity leave!

Meet Emma, a data scientist and mother who successfully switched careers from technical sales to data science—while pregnant with her first child. She completed the IBM Data Science Professional Certificate while on maternity leave, seeing it as an opportunity to continue her personal learning and career growth even while caring for a newborn. As she […]
The post Get inspired by Emma’s…

CDC’s Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness Guide: The Blog That Will Not Die

The CDC published a blog post about zombies 10 years ago and news outlets simply will not shut up about it.Source:…

Astronomers spy a nearby, blazing hot super-Earth

Most exoplanets orbiting close to their stars don’t have atmospheres. But Gliese 486b – orbiting a red dwarf star only 24 light-years away – does. It’s close enough to see well. Astronomers will be watching it! Source:…

Over one-sixth of all food produced ends up being thrown in the bin

Consumer food waste hit 931 million tonnes in 2019, 17 per cent of global production. Although this figure includes non-edible waste such as bones, it suggests huge amounts of food are going uneaten Source:…

Moon and star Antares morning of March 5, 2021

Let the moon show you Antares, a red supergiant star and the brightest star in the constellation Scorpius the Scorpion on the morning of March 5. Source:…

Giant iceberg breaks off Brunt Ice Shelf in Antarctica

A giant iceberg, about twice the size of Chicago, broke off from Antartica’s Brunt Ice Shelf in late February 2021. Source:…

Earlier spring snowmelt in Alps threatens microbes in soil

A new study suggests that spring snowmelt in the Alps is occurring earlier in the year, and the earlier warming – due to climate change – threatens vitally important microbial communities in Alpine soils. Source:…