Watch Six New Short Alien Films: Created to Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Ridley Scott’s Film

Alien came out 40 years ago this month, not that its age shows in the least. The terror of the ever-diminishing crew of the Nostromo trapped on their ship with the merciless extraterrestrial monster of the title remains as visceral as it was in 1979, and the dank, pre-digital confines of its setting have taken on a […]

Watch Six New Short <i>Alien</i> Films:…

High School Kids Stage Alien: The Play and You Can Now Watch It Online

Several weeks back, Colin Marshall told you about an enterprising group of high school students in North Bergen, New Jersey who staged a dramatic production of Ridley Scott’s 1979 film Alien. And they did it on the cheap, creating costumes and props with donated and recycled materials. The production was praised by Ridley Scott and Sigourney Weaver alike. […]

High School Kids Stage <i>Alien: The…

High School Production of ‘Alien’ Suprised By Visit From Sigourney Weaver

An anonymous reader quotes ABC News: ‘Alien: The Play’ returned to the stage at North Bergen High School one month after it took the internet by storm — thanks to its elaborate costumes, stage design and nostalgia for the original film, released in 1979. The drama club only had enough money to put the production on for two nights in March,…

A Witch Named Isobel and a “Familiar” Creature

Within the practice of witchcraft there exists a creature that few outside of the craft will have any awareness of. It is a strange and often dangerous creature known as a familiar. When witchcraft was said to be rife across England in the 1500s and 1600s, it was widely believed that witches used small animals… Read more » Source:…

A Famous UFO Case? Or, a Military Test Gone Wrong?

On October 5, 2015, here at Mysterious Universe, Micah Hanks wrote an article titled “The Cash-Landrum Incident: Was a Nuclear Aircraft Involved?” Micah’s article began as follows: “Of all the best-known and often reviewed UFO cases of the last few decades, many would contend that one of the most puzzling had been the Cash-Landrum incident,… Read more » Source:…

U.S. Presidential Candidate Addresses Questions About Extraterrestrial Invasion

If you’re worried about invasions from outer space (or from inside the Earth or from another dimension), you may want to listen to what U.S. presidential candidate Seth Moulton (another one?) has to say about how he would handle the situation if he was sitting in the Oval Office. Will this become one of the… Read more » Source:…

Scientists find new surprises about Titan’s lakes

Cassini data now reveal that some of Titan’s lakes are surprisingly deep. Source:…

UFO Dossiers, Alien Abductions and Missing Time

Just five months after Betty and Barney Hill’s late night encounter in September 1961, a similar incident occurred in the U.K. In this case, the witness was a man named Ronald Wildman. It was in the early hours of February 9, 1962 that Wildman had an extraordinary experience, one which led him to fully believe… Read more » Source:…