5G Networks Will Likely Interfere With US Weather Satellites, Navy Warns

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: A U.S. Navy memo warns that 5G mobile networks are likely to interfere with weather satellites, and senators are urging the Federal Communications Commission to avoid issuing new spectrum licenses to wireless carriers until changes are made to prevent harms to weather forecasting. The FCC has already begun an auction of 24GHz…

2019 Conference Takeaways: A Partner Perspective

Several members of the Duke Learning Innovation team headed to London for the 2019 Coursera Partners Conference. The conference brings together educators and leaders representing over 180 global universities, organizations and companies. Here are some of our top takeaways from the conference. MOOCs might be dead, but Coursera keeps growing MOOCs are dead, you say? […]
The post 2019 Conference Takeaways: A…

What’s new on Coursera for Business – April 2019

We released over 60 new courses in the month of April, including exciting courses ranging from strategic thinking to data wrangling, deep learning, and Amazon Web Services. Here are our top 5 courses for April: Strategic management: Be competitive, Macquarie University – The ability to think strategically in today’s global, high-tech business environment is critical […]
The post What’s new on Coursera…

Data Science Programs That Set You Up for Long-Term Success

Pick from top data science courses to unlock career opportunities There is a massive shortage of data scientists in the U.S. as companies compete for the talent necessary to unlock the benefits of big data. The University of Illinois and University of Michigan’s data science degrees provide their students with the tools necessary to take […]
The post Data Science Programs That…

Why Big-Data Science Depends on Skilled Data Engineers

As the field of data science matures, a distinct specialization is emerging: data engineering. Tech giants like Facebook, Amazon, and Google recognize the value of data engineers relative to data scientists. That’s why they’re targeting candidates with skills to build critical infrastructure like data pipelines and warehouses. The best computer science degrees keep up with […]
The post Why Big-Data Science Depends…

Applying For Your Next Job May Be an Automated Nightmare

merbs writes: If you think looking for a job is already daunting, anxiety-riddled, and unpleasant, just wait until the algorithms take over the hiring process. When they do, a newfangled ‘digital recruiter’ like VCV, which just received $1.7 million in early investment, hopes it will look something like this: First, a search bot will be used to scan CVs by the…