How much oxygen comes from the ocean?

At least half of Earth’s oxygen comes from the ocean. Source:…

Forecast: Dust and sand from the Sahara

Masses of dusty air form over the Sahara Desert and move westward across the tropical North Atlantic frequently from spring to fall. A particularly large swath of dust is headed our way now. Watch for hazy skies in the Caribbean by this weekend, and possibly into the U.S. by next week. Source:…

Algal blooms are getting worse in lakes worldwide

In a global study that analyzed almost 30 years of satellite images of freshwater lakes, most of the lakes showed signs of worsening algal blooms. Source:…

Landsat 9 instrument ready for spacecraft assembly

The Landsat 9 instrument that will help scientists detect deforestation, monitor crops and track potentially toxic algal blooms, among many other uses, is now built, tested, and in place to be assembled onto the spacecraft. Source:…

Large 2019 dead zone in Gulf of Mexico

This year’s Gulf of Mexico dead zone of oxygen-depleted waters is the 8th largest ever recorded. Source:…