Algae’s ability to photosynthesise boosted by light-harvesting plastic

A technique that adds a polymer to freshwater algae has increased the plant’s ability to convert light into energy, which could lead to more efficient biofuels or help increase crop yields Source:…

Hurricane Hanna shrinks Gulf of Mexico dead zone

The Gulf of Mexico dead zone was much smaller than usual this year because Hurricane Hanna stirred up the area of low-oxygen water. Source:…

Gulf of Mexico dead zone: Summer 2020 forecast

NOAA scientists forecast that this summer’s dead zone would measure roughly 6,700 square miles – bigger than the long-term average recorded since 1985, but lower than 2017’s record-high extent. Source:…

Giant Clams Manipulate Light To Assist Their Symbiotic Partner

Special cells in giant clams shift the wavelength of light to protect them from UV radiation and increase the photosynthetic activity of their symbionts, shows research from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology — originally intended as a photonics investigation. Phys.Org reports: Like corals, giant clams are important players in reef ecosystems and live in symbiosis with photosynthetic Symbiodiniaceae algae….

Saharan-fed sunsets in the US

A massive Saharan dust plume is moving into the southeast US, bringing technicolor sunsets and suppressing tropical storms. Source:…

How much oxygen comes from the ocean?

At least half of Earth’s oxygen comes from the ocean. Source:…

Evolution: Why it seems to have a direction, and what to expect next

Does evolution always and inevitably generates greater diversity and complexity, having a predictable direction? Source:…

Algae is now growing on melting Antarctic snow due to climate change

The first study to look for algae growing in Antarctica has found there are blooms dotted across the continent that may spread as the climate warms Source:…

Wound-healing patch of blue-green algae mends skin quickly

A skin patch filled with living blue-green algae pumps oxygen into wounds to help them mend faster, and may help people with chronic wounds caused by diabetes Source:…