A Quarter of the Alexa Top 10K Websites Are Using Browser Fingerprinting Scripts

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: A browser fingerprinting script is a piece of JavaScript code that runs inside a web page and works by testing for the presence of certain browser features. In an academic paper published earlier this month, a team of academics from the University of Iowa, Mozilla, and the University of California, Davis, has analyzed…

Ann Syrdal, Who Helped Give Computers a Female Voice, Dies at 74

Ann Syrdal, a psychologist and computer science researcher who helped develop synthetic voices that sounded like women, laying the groundwork for such modern digital assistants as Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa, died on July 24 at her home in San Jose, Calif. She was 74. From a report: Her daughter Kristen Lasky said the cause was cancer. As a researcher at…

Amazon Will Add 3,500 Tech and Corporate Jobs Across Six US Cities

Amazon today announced an upcoming hiring spree set to bring 3,500 jobs to a half-dozen U.S. cities. The news is, of course, particularly notable amid a pandemic that has cause many industries to freeze hiring, while unemployment claims have soared across the country. It also finds the company doing that hiring in cities — many of which have seen citizens looking…

Will We Someday Write Code Just By Describing It?

Using millions of programs in online repositories, Intel, Georgia Tech, and MIT researchers created a tool called MISIM (Machine Inferred code Similarity) with a database of code scored by the similarity of its outcomes to suggest alternatives (and corrections) to programmers. The hope is “to aid developers with nitty-gritty choices like ‘what is the most efficient way to use this API’…

Amazon Met With Startups About Investing, Then Launched Competing Products

Some companies regret sharing information with tech giant and its Alexa Fund. From a report: When Amazon.com’s venture-capital fund invested in DefinedCrowd, it gained access to the technology startup’s finances and other confidential information. Nearly four years later, in April, Amazon’s cloud-computing unit launched an artificial-intelligence product that does almost exactly what DefinedCrowd does, said DefinedCrowd founder and Chief Executive Daniela…

Amazon and Google Now Require Continuous Data From Other Smarthome Devices

An anonymous reader quotes CNET:
For years, smart speakers from Amazon, Google and Apple have traded data back and forth with other devices in the home. This is how their voice assistants turn on the smart lights. But in early 2019, something changed: Amazon and Google began requiring continuous status-change updates from devices — requiring, for instance, partnered smart bulbs to send…

Google Assistant Can Now Read or Translate Websites and Android App Content

Google Assistant is able to read web pages and news articles on Android devices worldwide today, a company spokesperson said. From the report: You can trigger the feature by simply saying “Hey Google, read it” or “Hey Google, read this page.” If you land on a webpage in a language you don’t understand, Google Assistant is also able to read and…

Reddit Has Become the Gospel of Personal Finance

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Quartz: If you look beyond the memes, cat videos, and quirky acronyms (TIL, OP, ELI5) you’ll find a treasure trove of resources that will help you quickly get acquainted with the topics that have long eluded you. For me, even though I worked on Wall Street for nearly 15 years, Reddit is the first…

New $300 Kitchen Playset For Children Includes Amazon’s Alexa

“Kids can play with Alexa in their very own $300 pretend kitchen and grocery store,” CNET reports, “with the Amazon voice assistant dishing out cooking advice, shopping help and plenty of goofy toddler humor.”
The Alexa 2-in-1 Kitchen and Market, from toymaker KidKraft, is making its debut at this weekend’s New York Toy Fair… It uses a mix of RFID sensors and…

American Lawmakers Launch Investigations Into Ring’s Police Deals

A U.S. Congressional subcommittee is now “pursuing a deeper understanding of how Ring’s partnerships with local and state law enforcement agencies mesh with the constitutional protections Americans enjoy against unbridled police surveillance,” reports Gizmodo: Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, chairman of the House Oversight and Reform subcommittee on economic and consumer policy, is seeking to learn why, in more than 700 jurisdictions, police…