A new study finds the opioid epidemic has led to tens of billions in lost tax revenue

It’s already the deadliest drug overdose crisis in US history. But it’s also affecting the economy and budgets. The opioid epidemic cost the federal government $26 billion in lost tax revenue between 2000 and 2016, and state governments $11.8 billion, according to a new study published in Medical Care. The study combines previous research and… Continue reading A new study finds the opioid epidemic has led to tens of billions in lost tax revenue

Annual Competition to Guess When Alaskan River Will Thaw Ends on Earliest Date Since 1917

The Nenana Ice Classic, a betting match on when ice on Alaska’s Tanana River breaks up enough to tip a tripod linked to a clock, set a record this weekend by ending nearly a week earlier than ever recorded, the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner reported.Read more… Source: https://earther.gizmodo.com/annual-competition-to-guess-when-alaskan-river-will-tha-1834035701…

Alaska Relies on Ice. What Happens When It Can’t Be Trusted?

Climate change is warming Alaska faster than any other state, bringing early thaws that create hazards and disrupt long-established ways of life. Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/10/us/alaska-ice-melting.html?partner=rss&emc=rss

It’s not your imagination. Allergy season gets worse every year.

Pollen allergy seasons continue to get longer and more intense as temperatures rise. The weather is warming. The flowers are blooming. Noses are running. Eyes are watering. It’s allergy season yet again, and it’s already severe in states like Georgia and Tennessee. It’s shaping up to be brutal in cities like Chicago, where the frigid… Continue reading It’s not your imagination. Allergy season gets worse every year.

Climate Change Could Expose Tons of Human Poop Left on Alaskan Glacier

There’s a somewhat hokey saying among outdoor enthusiasts that goes, “Take only pictures, leave only footprints,” and while unstated, I assume this applies to hauling your literal crap out, too. But at Denali National Park in Alaska, few have followed this mantra, abandoning roughly 66 tons of human poop that—because of course it gets worse—may… Continue reading Climate Change Could Expose Tons of Human Poop Left on Alaskan Glacier

Still No Explanation for Strange Falling UFO over Alaska

On March 19, 2019, a strange aerial object that appeared to be falling from the sky while emitting some sort of smoke trail was recorded by a man in Anchorage, Alaska. After he submitted it to a local TV news outlet, the video quickly received national and worldwide attention and tons of speculation as to… Continue reading Still No Explanation for Strange Falling UFO over Alaska