Meet the Scorpion’s Stinger stars, Shaula and Lesath

The constellation Scorpius resembles a scorpion, complete with a curved tail. Two stars close together near the end of the Tail – Shaula and Lesath – represent the Scorpion’s Stinger. They’re easy to spot and fun to get to know! Source:…

Charge model for calculating the photo-excited states of one-dimensional Mott insulators

Assistant Professor Ohmura Shu and Professor Takahashi Akira of the Nagoya Institute of Technology and others have developed a charge model to describe photo-excited states of one-dimensional Mott insulators under the JST Strategic Basic Research Programs. They have also succeeded in constructing a many-body Wannier function as the localized basis state of the photo-excited states and calculating large-system, optical conductivity spectra…

Lithium-Ion Batteries Win Nobel Prize for Chemistry

“This is a highly charged story,” began Olof Ramstrom, a member of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry, announcing that a trio of chemists who spent decades developing the lithium ion battery were today awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their work. From a report: These batteries, small and powerful compared to older battery technology, made possible pocket-sized mobile phones, laptop…

Nobel prize in chemistry goes to developers of lithium-ion batteries

The 2019 Nobel prize in chemistry has been awarded to John Goodenough, Stanley Whittingham and Akira Yoshino for the development of lithium-ion batteries. Source:…

Could Arrow’s Flashforwards Live on Beyond the Show’s End?

A familiar Nancy Drew face joins the CW pilot. Mouse Guard’s tiny cast continues to grow. Lebron James is apparently having a hard time recruting fellow NBA stars for Space Jam 2. Jared Leto continues to vaguely tease his Morbius movie. Plus, what’s to come on Doom Patrol, and Hades strikes in a new Descendants… Continue reading Could Arrow’s Flashforwards Live on Beyond the Show’s End?