AI Predicts PUBG Player Placement From Stats and Rankings

An anonymous reader shares a report: Fun as the element of surprise may be, matches in PUBG might be less dynamic than they seem. That’s the assertion of researchers at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Georgia, who tested several AI algorithms to predict final player placement in PUBG from in-game stats and initial rankings. As the coauthors…

Startup ‘ObEN’ Is Betting the Future On Personal AI Avatars

merbs shares an excerpt from a Gizmodo report: In January 2019, when China Central Television, the largest broadcast network in the most populous nation in the world, aired a special to celebrate the Lunar New Year, the hosts welcomed four life-sized “personal artificial intelligences” to share the stage with them. Called PAIs, they were three-dimensional holographic replicas of the presenters that…

Scientists Help Artificial Intelligence Outsmart Hackers

sciencehabit shares a report from Science Magazine: A hacked message in a streamed song makes Alexa send money to a foreign entity. A self-driving car crashes after a prankster strategically places stickers on a stop sign so the car misinterprets it as a speed limit sign. Fortunately these haven’t happened yet, but hacks like this, sometimes called adversarial attacks, could become…

AI can learn real-world skills from playing StarCraft and Minecraft

By playing StarCraft and Minecraft, artificial intelligence is learning how to collaborate and adapt. Source:…

AI doesn’t see the world like us which is why it is so easily confused

AI can easily be fooled into mistaking a rifle for a turtle, but now we may have an explanation for why these blunders happen and how to stop them Source:…

2019 Conference Takeaways: A Partner Perspective

Several members of the Duke Learning Innovation team headed to London for the 2019 Coursera Partners Conference. The conference brings together educators and leaders representing over 180 global universities, organizations and companies. Here are some of our top takeaways from the conference. MOOCs might be dead, but Coursera keeps growing MOOCs are dead, you say? […]
The post 2019 Conference Takeaways: A…

AI recommends ‘fashionable’ outfits to millions of people in China

E-commerce giant Alibaba has built an algorithm for suggesting outfits to shoppers in China. It has made over 5 million recommendations so far Source:…

Millions of People Uploaded Photos To the Ever App. Then the Company Used Them To Develop Facial Recognition Tools.

An anonymous reader shares a report: “Make memories”: That’s the slogan on the website for the photo storage app Ever, accompanied by a cursive logo and an example album titled “Weekend with Grandpa.” Everything about Ever’s branding is warm and fuzzy, about sharing your “best moments” while freeing up space on your phone. What isn’t obvious on Ever’s website or app…

What’s new on Coursera for Business – April 2019

We released over 60 new courses in the month of April, including exciting courses ranging from strategic thinking to data wrangling, deep learning, and Amazon Web Services. Here are our top 5 courses for April: Strategic management: Be competitive, Macquarie University – The ability to think strategically in today’s global, high-tech business environment is critical […]
The post What’s new on Coursera…