New Netflix series to explore life after death

The streaming service has released a new trailer for its upcoming documentary series ‘Surviving Death’. It’s one of the most widely debated mysteries … Source:…

Physics might create a backdoor to an afterlife – but don’t bank on it

Quantum information can never be destroyed, so some of the essence of you could live on after death – but it’s not going to help the physical you Source:…

John Cleese on the possibility of life after death

The 80-year-old comedy veteran is a keen proponent of the idea that existence does not simply end when we die. It’s one of the most widely debated mys… Source:…

Bones of Neolithic immigrants killed in massacre found in Spanish cave

The bones of nine Neolithic people found in a cave in northern Spain suggest they were killed and then beaten after death, in a massacre that may have been caused by their migration into the region more than 7,000 years ago. Source:

How a Chunk of Human Brain Survived Intact For 2600 Years

sciencehabit quotes Science magazine: Nearly 2600 years ago, a man was beheaded near modern-day York, U.K. — for what reasons, we still don’t know — and his head was quickly buried in the clay-rich mud. When researchers found his skull in 2008, they were startled to find that his brain tissue, which normally rots rapidly after death, had survived for millennia…

Why the line between life and death is now more blurred than ever

Brains resurrected after death, communications with people in comas and advances in cryogenics all suggest that life’s end is less final than we thought Source:…

Why almost everyone believes in an afterlife – even atheists

Most people hold curiously similar ideas about life after death, suggesting there is more to it than religion, fear or an inability to imagine not existing Source:…